But a little dark hobby paint and now it swims happily amongst the holly in my little flower garden.
I added a nice, heavy bird bath (also free from Freecycle) and a hummer feeder. The cats are gonna LOVE their view now!
This is only May, so when the flowers come up (Pink Fountain Guara) I'll take another snap for you. All of the building stones came from Freecycle and some of the plants, too! I put this garden bed together all by myself. (So don't look too closely - it's a little crooked) The shepherd's hook and the metal headboard were both found on the curb. The red bricks were also from Freecycle. Can you tell I'm a bargain hunter?
This is my DD - also enjoying the new view. Hope we attract a whole herd (!) of hummers!

We have only had a freecycle here once many years ago. Too bad really.
My pink Gaura is one of my most favorite plants in my garden. I thought it died this year because we had so much snow but it is back and growing like mad. It is near my walkway and I always have little pink petals stuck to me from where it spills over the walkway.
I love it.
Oh sooooo much better!! Great job!
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