Lori E asked me to post more of the guest room pics and I'm happy to oblige. This is the west wall and I put up the bakers rake to hold books, pictures and boxes. Nestled up to the rack, on the floor, is the lighthouse rock I painted.

Two of the picture frames contain my grandma as a little girl with her sister, and who is turning 103! And my dad, who passed from Alzheimers in 2002
Thank you, gosh if only my sons listened to me so well.
I love bakers racks and have never had one.
Here is an idea I hope to use in my guest room for my guest's comfort. They showed it for a wedding favor for out of town guests but I thought I would use it at home.I would put in some Tums, Advil, toothbrush, etc. things that they may have forgotten. Munchies and drinks too maybe.
I love your idea's.
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