Hi, my name is Shirl and thanks for visiting my blog
This is my journey to create a lovely home; to obtain and edit antiques and vintage items. The fun is in the journey and I see this as a life-long, never-ending labor of love.
four things | twenty-one
Whew, it’s been a busy week for me! For that reason, my four things post
has been bumped to Friday, but I didn’t want to miss it entirely. So, this
16 Tasty Recipes with Fresh Spring Herbs
Delicious Ways to Use Fresh Herbs in Spring. Do you love cooking with fresh
spring herbs? They’re an easy, delicious way to brighten up your favorite
A Dramatic Color Drenched Hallway Makeover
A color drenched hallway with painted doors and trim.
Smaller spaces like powder rooms, laundry rooms and hallways are *so* fun
to decorate! You can be a l...
Iced White Chocolate Mocha
One of my favorite coffee shop drinks is an iced white chocolate mocha. I
have tried to make it at home with different white chocolate flavorings and
The Iconic Palm Beach Aesthetic
How to get the playful elegance of Palm Beach interiors.
[image: Palm Beach Style Decor Ideas Inspiration]
(click to continue...)
Jerk Chicken Quesadillas
These jerk chicken quesadillas with pineapple salsa are ready in just 30
minutes and guaranteed to become a weeknight favorite!
The post Jerk Chicken Que...
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
In last week’s email (sign up here to receive future emails) I shared this
lamp hack. It’s probably my favorite hack ever and one I originally learned
DIY Jar Ornament For Christmas In Just 5 Minutes!
It’s officially the Christmas Season! Have you started decorating your
halls yet? I am asking because I can help you with these DIY jar ornaments
for Chr...
~ Garden Potting Bench
An oldie but a goodie to start off Spring!
Is this just the best use of old junk you've seen in a long time? Kirk
(kirkus in WA) posted this on Garden W...
Friday favorites & some exciting news!
*Hello and happy Friday my friends!*
*I have some very exciting news to share with you all, so be sure to read
this post in it's entirety. *
*I am going...
Using Space Heaters in Your Home
Older homes or homes with insufficient heating systems may require the use
of space heaters to help keep it comfortable in cold weather. Using space
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So I find myself suddenly enamored with funky pottery which is hard to
acquire. Of course I want ancient, rare, can’t afford pieces. I was
flipping through...
A new drive....different direction...
Good Afternoon and Happy Saturday everyone....I hope this post finds you
all well....
This has been a long time coming for me....I do believe my doctors fin...
Wedding planning
Is there a wedding in your near future? Don’t forget to check out STARS
ANTIQUE MALLS when you are looking for unique decor items. Vintage wares
are ver...
*Hello my friends......I have taken the plunge and moved over to Word
Press. Please come visit me there from here on out. This site will be
Story Time – Part Two
Hi! Thanks for coming back for part two of my DRAMA FILLED LIFE SAGA! Not
really, but kinda. Catch up on part one if you missed it here. So to recap
… my...
A Turkey Tale
Source Does anyone else have turkey cooking memories from years past? I do.
At this point you may be thinking 'of course you do Laura'. I began my
early ma...
Save pdf smaller size mac online
High image quality, bring your ideas to life save pdf smaller size mac
online beautiful presentations. and instantly got the shrunken file!
Although the de...
Last Minute Teacher Gift Idea
Merry Christmas everyone!
I know this is a frenzied week for most of us. My older two kids are in
school through Wednesday, so I have a list a mile long o...
O (Kinda Large) Tannenbaum
*If there is one very good reason for owning a long mini-van, it is this:*
You can fold down the seats, and
slide your fresh Christmas tree right in;
Simple Things
Simple Things.
I have found as time goes on, I really appreciate the simple things in
life. Those little things that we take for granted. For example.
Who doesn’t love to step outside and snip some fresh herbs for cooking? I
had a lot of them at our old home but they were out in the garden and that
Strange Magic (2015) Gratis megashare
Free Strange Magic in High Quality. Now you can download full Strange Magic
in HD format with duration 90 Min and has been launched in 2015-01-23 with
I've moved ....
Hey all
Sorry I've been away soooooo long...lots of life changes etc. Anyways... I
have continued on pinterest so if you'd like to see small space style
Have you heard?
New things are going on around this casa, Mama's got a new job. I'm back
at with a big girl grown up job that requires regular hours. I have to say
so far...
Seasons of Change.
*So I just realized how long it's been since I posted! I started writing
this post shortly after Easter ( see little Addison hugging the Easter
bunny). ...
Customized Knobs
I just purchased a dresser for my son's room from IKEA. Have you ever put
an IKEA item together? Wow. Lots of screws, nut, bolts and o...
Patio Season
Good morning dear reader. I am posting from the original Back Porch,
temporarily. I hope to be back up and running at Typepad soon.
Typepad is experienc...
Love Always, Michelle
[image: 2011-12-013]
After her last post, Michelle underwent a painful chemo regiment that she
ended up having a bad reaction to. Subsequent scans revealed...
Stanozolol and Deca Durabolin
Since Deca Durabolin doesn’t lead to harmful effects for the liver and can
improve a huge size and strength difference in your body’s muscles as well
as a ...
Oh, the difference a year (or three) makes...
The saying goes "time flies when you're having fun" and I couldn't agree
more. When it comes to renovating, as fun as it is, there should really be
an ent...
Hello Pumpkin Sea Serpent
What do you get when you combine 35-40 pumpkins, steel rebar and a husband
with some serious brawn? A Sea Serpent, of course! I've wanted to get back
Loving me some Anthropologie...
I haven't done a things I love post in a while, and yesterday while
peeking through Anthro's new catalog my heart kept skipping beats.Some of
their new th...
This Blog is a-Movin'!
Same blog, new location:
I'm saying goodbye to this web address but Pure Style Home is moving with
{image via he...
Gift wrapping.............. petit cadeau
In the past few months I have had the pleasure of wrapping a few hundred
small gifts for several brides. I enjoy the tiny details, the sweetness of
I'm Moving
Not me, my blog. After a few weeks of debating I have decided to move onto
another blog, Altered Life. I hope you will join me there. This will be
about ev...
The Happiest Place on Earth
We're back from Spring Break at Disneyland. I'm proud to report that only
one meltdown occurred during our three day extravaganza. It involved being
Easy Ways to Bring Spring into Your Home
1) Switch out heavy fabrics, blankets and pillows for light weight cotton
and linen.
2) Clip blooms from your garden and display them in your home, or sp...
Christmas Pillows... out of Placemats.
I've made purses out of placemats but what about pillows? Here are a few
ideas that are *SIMPLE* to make. And of course, they're pretty cheap! I
*love* f...